Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Sunny Out, So How Do You Work?!

"♫ This is the day, This is the day, That the Lord has made, That the Lord has made, Let us rejoice, Let us rejoice, And be glad in it, and be glad in it!♫"

With that being said (or sung as the case may be), HOW on earth do you work?! I sit here at my desk with the sun pouring in the window and warming my back, and I just am NOT motivated to work!! LOL There is no shortage of work, there's actually TONS to do, but I just can't get motivated to do it!! I have vacation planned for next week, but it just seems so far away on such a bright and sunny day.

C and I found an AWESOME outdoor pool in Cambridge yesterday (no this isn't a picture of it)!! We quite enjoyed bobbing around in the cool water under the hot sun, and I remembered my sunscreen so I'm not paying the price (Thank God)!! That being said though, I feel the pool calling my name again today!! Unfortunately, that is not an option today. I'm in the nice airconditioned office, so I really shouldn't complain. Then after work we have a soccer practice. WOW - that will be a hot one for the kids!! Remind me to post about being an Assistant Coach to an under 12 boys soccer team, with my mother being the Head Coach! Yep, but that's for another day.

Anyway, whether I WANT to work or not, there is work to be done! I really am thankful for my job! I enjoy what I do, it is a good steady job, great benefits, pretty good pay, and fun co-workers! I have been blessed by God to have these things, and so, I need to do my part.

Have a great sunny summer day, and try to stay cool!