Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Frustration Abounds!!

Computers, you either love 'em or you hate 'em. Me, I LOVE 'EM!! What can I say?! I'm a girl of the 80s! Anyway, as much as I love them, and spend most of my waking moments on one, I can still get frustrated with them.

The latest thing to drive me insane is my DVD drive. For whatever reason it does NOT want to play DVDs, which is a real pain!! I'm not the only one frustrated with this either! My son C is driving me insane about it! 'Mom, what's this computers problem?! Mom, I did what you said, and it's not working! Mom, I thought you said you fixed it!!' I'm starting to feel like the superhero that has let her fan down.

Anyway, I asked around to my IT boys at work and they told me it's a problem with the software that is trying to play the DVDs. A new software they suggested was AVS, which I have now downloaded, and guess what?! The DVD STILL doesn't play!! UGH!! I have a couple other sites to try. Does anyone have any other suggestions or solutions?

In the meantime, I guess I take this as God's way of telling me to 'get a life'!! LOL I know that spending soooooo much time in front of a screen is not good for me, and also not good for C. So, God in his way, has taken care of that. I get the message, take time away from the silly computer, and spend quality time not only with C, but also with God and his creations.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Good day for Geo-Caching

What's geo-caching you ask?! It's AMAZING that's what it is. LOL

Dictionary.com defines it as: a type of scavenger hunt for waterproof containers bearing treasure using the containers' exact geographic coordinates and Global Positioning System devices.

It's a great way to spend a nice day outside. A modern day treasure hunt. It actually is a year round thing, but I find we tend to participate a lot more in the nicer weather. It is also a world wide phenomenon. It's for all ages, all genders, and all animals. LOL We even have Geo-Dogs who participate.

I learned about this a few years ago when I read an article about it in one of my Mom's magazines. We have a Tom Tom GPS, which somewhat does the job,

but my ultimate would be one of the GPS handhelds that I can actually download the caches into.

So, that my friends is Geo-caching. Check it out at www.geocaching.com

It's a wonderful chance to get outside and enjoy the beauty of God's creation. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses along the hunt path. Oh, and watch out for the bees in the roses, because they made it on the Ark too. lol

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring has Sprung

It's amazing to me how fast Spring all of a sudden seems to have sprung. I mean one minute there's snow on the ground, and everything is grey, and the next thing you know you take a look at the trees and there's buds there!! Have you noticed this?!

It's almost like over night everything changes. The birds are singing more and more. The grass is turning greener. The air is feeling warmer. The 'Johny Jump Ups' are popping up, and the crocuses have sprung. Then there's the true sign of spring, the bunnies!! Yes I said bunnies. The bunnies are hopping all over the place, and there seem to be more and more of them. lol

I've always said that Fall is my favorite time of the year, but Spring definitely comes a close second. I enjoy the feeling that 'Love is in the air', and the opportunity to go out without a coat again!! It's wonderful to see God's creation being reborn after the blanket of white has melted away. It reminds us that God is always holding us in his hands, even in the dark and cold of winter, and that the season will soon pass away and we will again feel the warmth of the sun on our face.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First post

Well, it's here! I have officially been bitten by the blogging bug! LOL I tried a blog before but quickly canceled it when an ex's ex was trying to contact me through it for 'no good' reasons. Anyway, that sentence right there pretty much sums up my past life. Not so normal eh?!

There's a good beginning, what's normal?!

Normal is defined in Webster's dictionary as:

1a) according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
3 : occurring naturally
4 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b : free from mental disorder : sane

Also, normal is defined at Dictionary.com as:

1.conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2.serving to establish a standard.
3.Psychology. a.approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence, personality, or emotional adjustment.
b.free from any mental disorder; sane.

Pretty much the same thing aren't they?!

So, the question is do you WANT to be normal?!

I mean if it means having to conform to a standard, and only be of average intelligence, it really doesn't sound that good to me. So, I choose to live my life somewhat different. I choose to trust God in all things, and know that he will provide his own sense of 'Normalcy' for my life.