Sunday, June 27, 2010

I hate cooking!

LOL I really do! I don't know who ever thought that a woman's place is in the kitchen, but that doesn't go for me! LOL I was just telling Nana (my Mom) last night that I need to meet a nice man that's a chef or at least a good cook!

Anyway, tonight I decided to make a nice dinner for C and I. Ribs and corn, one of his all time favorites. I read the directions and had everything on track. I put the corn on in the last 4 minutes of cooking the ribs so that everything would be ready together. I was organized for a change!! The corn was done, and so I took the ribs out of the oven and guess what?! They weren't done!! :o( YES - I remembered to turn the oven on!! I'm not that simple in the kitchen. The thing is I looked at the temperature on the box, and it had said 200, so that's what I put the oven on to. I thought at the time that seemed low, but oh well, what do I know about cooking?! So, when I took the ribs out and they weren't finished I checked the box again! It did say 200, but that was celcius!! Why, oh why do they do that?! I mean most ovens work in Farenheit don't they?! Mine does!! So, now the corn is cooked and the ribs are back in the oven turned up to the proper temperature of 400!! Oh well, we'll eat eventually. Oops, there goes the timer, better get them out before they burn!

God gave us each different gifts, and I am no exception. I can sing, and I can make beautiful cards, and I can love most anyone, but cooking . . . that's not a gift from God for me!! LOL

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